

I am a parent of two kids between the ages of 5-8. Normally I would send my kiddos to a daycare who provides an entire fun pack program and not even worry about what they actually do during the summer. I know MARBS the cries of a working parent! We just want them to be safe between the hours of 8am-6pm! This summer we are doing something different and because of that it got me thinking of all the great summer programs out there this year.

Georgia on my mind

GA residents Summer begins May 27th this year and ends the first week in August. Be on the lookout for your county to provide a variety of summer activities such as, sports, music, reading clubs, you name it they may provide it! Some libraries even have an online Storytime, where an individual reads to your little one via Zoom! That is amazing! Seek out your local parks and recreation centers. Some which house an indoor pool also provide different types of water aerobics and summer swimming lessons.

Laying the foundation

I believe in childhood financial literacy so any organization providing that gets my vote! Your little one can learn about money and the many ways we use it. Including entrepreneurship and what it is like to manage their own business. The great thing about these organizations is that a few provide programs online. This way your tween who may think they are too old for daycares and summer camps can stay occupied during the summer! Check with your child’s school or afterschool care to see if they are running programs which may include financial literacy.

The Arts

My kids are into dance and karate, so if you are in the state of Georgia and anyway near to Triple 7 Dance studio or MBS karate check them out this summer. They are registering now for weekly and weekend camps. Some other organizations to keep in mind are churches; who provide Vacation Bible School a program which is run for a few weeks or days and teaches the kids many things in arts and craft allowing kids to let their creative juices flow! They are other congregations who may have a similar version of VBS, so be on the look out. A great way to keep your kid’s brain going with creativity and, keepsakes you can have for a lifetime!

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School is all year round

Last but not least your child school. Yes! Your child’s school whether public, private or virtual may provide other programs besides summer school during the summer. If they do, I say check them out! To reading clubs, sight word lists, sport activities, science camp the list goes on! Don’t even get me started on organizations like boys & girls club, girls & boys scouts, YMCA and STEM camps to name a few! These camps may not be for the entire vacation but they may be more affordable and your child can even have a head start in the grade they will be graduating to come fall!
MARBYS! We never stop learning and being a part of these summer activities can really prepare your child for an awesome 2022-2023 school year. You never know they may take some these things into adulthood! Keep them on their toes instead of yours!

Ring that bell!


