The Falcon and The Winter Solider

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

Okay, so I finally decided to stream Disney plus! It took a while because I couldn’t understand if it would only show kids programs; similar to other streaming networks like Nickelodeon, which mostly offer kids programs. Some shows even encourage you to have cable still to view or unlock episodes. One way for everyone to make money and there still be a need for cable television. Now that I have finally subscribed to Disney plus, I have found my new addiction!

Step aside Netflix now I can stream all things Marvel! Stories, movies, many short films to view, so many options to choose from, I was so excited! I honestly didn’t know what to watch first, then I realized that some significant movies such as “Captain America”, minor characters; such as The Falcon and Winter Soldier had an entire season with six episodes. I must admit The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was not my first pick; I mean, I had to watch “Wanda Vision” and “What If “first for sure! Finally making it to Captain America’s sidekicks series, I was amazed. Guys, it is delicious, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

The Falcon

I will say it, the African American or Black representation in the series is remarkable! Each character big or small has an interesting origin story, that is easy to follow and on some levels can be relatable. Similar shows such as Bridgeton showcased a black Duke; whose family gains that status by finding favor with the King; resulting in a new line of the aristocracy for that family. The Falcon, Sam, played by Anthony Mackie, is faced with becoming the next Captain America. Due to the original Steve Rogers played by Chris Evans; returning the infinite stones to the original timeline in the past, stays there to be with his love Peggy Carter; leaving Sam the Falcon with the shield and mantle of Captain America.

The Blip

It also picks up with Sam being one of the individuals who return due to “the blip.” Thanos, along with all five infinity stones, snaps his fingers and disintegrates a selected few from the world’s population; of course, Sam would be one of them, being an Avenger and all. But you know it is not normal for superheroes to die, so The Avengers did something to bring everyone back five years later. I believe that was in the Antman movie if I remember correctly. Sam also is a black man in America, and he happens to be from the south where he grew up amongst racial tension; he tries to understand how he can make a difference in this new world after “the blip” and if he can fill Captain America shoes as a black man.

The Villain

For this season the scene is different too, not aliens nor magic but a woman who takes a superhuman formula, the same one Steve Rogers took to become Captain America. Still, she takes it to restore how life was after, “the blip,” and honestly, I do not blame her. Karli was viewed more as an activist than a villain or terrorist, sometimes referred to within the story’s plot. Karli Morgenthau, who Erin Kellyman plays, was attempting to stand for the rights of the people left behind. Due to billions of people disappearing for five years, countries began to work together more to create a new regular. Borders that were once closed became opened, making travel much more accessible, affordable housing, and various job opportunities that were once unavailable.

Falcon and Karli had similar experiences and on some level were able to understand each other. The trouble was trying to get others who had the means to make a difference in the whole to listen. Karli was unsuccessful at this; but, gave them all she could from international raids on places that housed supplies for the needy. Robbing banks and giving the money to support causes that help people get back on their feet; in a way, a classic Robin Hood set up.

Double Agent & Forgiveness

Add in Sharon Carter played by Emily Vancamp, I am so glad she joined the Marvel family! Her role doubles as an ally to Captain America and the Winter Soldier; plus, Power Broker who is equivalent to our modern-day Godfather/ The Boss of the Mafia. Her fighting skills are pretty awesome, which gives way to the showdown between Karli Superhuman villain and Sharon the Power Broker. This was the highlight of the entire series!

Two powerful women in a male dominating show, well mostly men, (sorry Black Widow), was a treat! Sharon’s parallel life unfolded in the very last episode as a connection was made between Karli’s back story and in the original Captain America’s life; and fellow team members.  In all, this show gives you a little bit of everything and I give it thumbs up as a must-watch tv series for your next viewing choice. If you like anything Marvel you will not be disappointed! Include an attractive Winter Soldier who is trying to get forgiveness for his past actions as a Hydra superhuman! You’ve got yourself a good binge-watching show for those boring days.  


