Beach body ready

Beach body ready!

The Benefits of swimming

Warmer weather is coming, and pools are opening! Hopefully this year; you can find me in one or even better, at the beach! I learned to swim around the age of twelve, and ever since then, I loved to swim. If you really know me, it is rather hilarious because I think I like the idea of swimming rather than actually doing it! Pools are great, but they are not the real thing! Growing up on an island with crystal clear salt water and beautiful white sands makes it even harder diving into a pool or a lake, for that matter!

Great for the Kiddos

Three websites agreed that swimming is not only good for burning out that mass amount of energy kids always seem to have, but the activity allows kids to focus more in class. In some cases, they expand their learning abilities. This is even more noticeable with students who excel in math and are avid swimmers. They are consistently calculating how many meters they need to swim for various drills and swim meets, in order to improve swim time. Mixed in 60 minutes of fun activities ranging from hitting a beach ball around the pool to Marco Polo, you can help your child get the exercise they need. As well as allowing their eyes a rest from all these electronic devices!

Take a deep breathe and hold

As kids, we would compete to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater. I didn’t know that this game would do wonders for my health, but I knew I was proud of myself when I won some of those competitions! The practice of holding your breath teaches you how to expand your lung capacity and trains you on how to gain a little more control over your breathing. In addition to this, if you could find a pool that uses saltwater over chlorine, that is even better! The salt along with the humidity of the water assists with dampening those seasonal allergies. I say visit a beach from time to time and get the real thing! The salt and minerals in seawater do wonders for your skin! The sand aids as an excellent scrub for those achy muscles.

Calories be gone

One website says swimming “torches calories!” They are not lying about that! Can you imagine? Swimming for at least an hour can burn twice as many calories as using an elliptical machine! Okay, so you mean to tell me if I am really trying to lose weight fast for whatever reason, all I need to do is swim at a good pace or vigorously for an hour to meet my deadline? Faster than if I had to jog or run! Those activities Marbys I only do if I am running for my life! Man! I need to find a pool!

Once a swimmer always a swimmer

My grandfather still went to the beach up until his mid-80s. I think it not only gave him the exercise he needed to stay fit for his age. As well as a way for him to meditate and commune with nature and his heavenly Father. What I’m saying is once a swimmer, always a swimmer! It is for all ages and a good form of exercise for stiff joints and any individual who needs to complete an aerobic workout but is unable to do another form of exercise.

The list goes on and on about the benefits of swimming and other forms of water exercises. The COOL part of swimming is that you never work up a sweat! LOL! MARBYS please seek the advice of your primary doctor to see if swimming or water exercises are good for you before you start.

Ring That Bell…




