When I grow up

What do you do again?

Hey Marbs

I am cooking up my next article for you, which will be uploaded soon. But in the meantime, I really wanted to showcase some talented people, their businesses, and their careers.

Many years ago…(whoops, telling my age!) Not so long ago, we were all studying to make a difference in this world, to write our history, and so we did! From teaching to preaching to ERs and bank accounts. I am happy to shine a light on some talented individuals who are blowing it out of the ballpark with what they do for a living!

I am calling this one

When I grow up…

My longtime friend Katrina Gittens has always craved a way for herself! She is a talented designer with an eye for fashion and finance. Located on the lovely island of Barbados, Kat is a well-known Financial Advisor with a lot to offer anyone who needs help navigating through the streams of finances and money.

A Financial Advisor?

Is someone who offers assistance with managing your finances; also known as a wealth manager, financial representative, or investment advisor; but my favorite is the lovely, well-dressed person I go to see at the bank to talk about my money! (It might not be exact words, but you get the drift!)These FAs offer you the opportunity to chat and strategize how best your money can work for you.

Kat’s motto is, “It’s better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret!” From helping with setting your financial goals to achieving them. She encourages you to think about your financial future today and not tomorrow. You are never too young to get your financial affairs in order because starting young allows you to enjoy the fruits of your labor; so much earlier than retirement age. You may even be able to use your money way before then. Kat has you covered if you need help choosing the best retirement plans, savings, and investments.

Help is on the way!

Now you even have the option of meeting some advisor via Zoom or a phone call instead of stepping into a traditional financial institution. So no excuses!

Some say “time is money,” and there is some truth to that. If you save some of your earnings in an interesting bearing account that yields a good return, that money will grow and, with TIME, help you with some major expenses in your life.

I have witnessed a client get their first job right out of college. Meet with an advisor, and six years later, the money which was either saved or invested was able to be used as part of their first home closing proceedings; some clients bought a new car!

What are you saying, TJ? Don’t do this alone, and seek out your advisors at your local bank to get help with making the right decision for your pocket.

Katrina is educating our young adults about financial literacy. Yes! This should be taught in schools. Don’t you think? With our young minds being cultivated with entrepreneurship, business management, and creating and maintaining an excellent financial lifestyle. The future looks bright for the next generation! 

Just because you are late to the game doesn’t mean you do not need the advice. It is the opposite of that; most individuals seek the help of a financial advisor later on in life. More so when life changes happen, like marriage or children. With all the money you have been saving, you might want to secure it for a “rainy day” or for”your little ones,” who will not stay little for long! Kat has you covered! If you are Bajan or know anyone living there, here is how you can 






